Friday, October 23, 2009


Whenever you ask Audrey where someone is, the answer is "California".

If you ask Audrey to tell you a secret, she whispers in your ear "tuna".

If you ask Audrey if she wants a treat for being a good girl while shopping, she says "Undies!"

Whenever Audrey plays with her toy phone, she calls Toni from day care and says, "Hi, Toni. Good. See you later. Okay. Bye."

If you ask Audrey what kind of anything she wants (pie, cookie, big girl bed, t-shirt) she says, "a pink one!"


Kath said...

Too cute!! More pictures of MIss Cutie Pie, please. : )

Jeff and Tiff said...

She is such a doll!

Tim said...

I tried leaving a comment on this the other day but I couldn't get logged in.

The tuna line cracks me up!