Monday, August 25, 2008

Farewell, my honey locust

The offending tree has been removed from our rooftop. Matt has crawled around the attic looking for signs of penetrating branches but it was too dark to see. There are some serious dents on the roof, but I think we're lucky it wasn't worse. In fact, we're lucky no one was hurt, that it didn't damage the neighbor's pool, and that the rest of the tree was taken down before it could fall, too.

Our neighbor who is uphill from us called us over for a beer and to watch the tree coming down today. I think he would have thrown a party if it were a Friday night.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

If a tree falls in the woods

does it land on my house? No, that would be the honey locust in our back yard. We are currently waiting for the power company to repair the downed line. Then the electrician to repair the connection to the house. Then the tree trimmer to cut down what is left of the tree. Then the roofer to assess the damage to the roof and gutters. There is no hope for the grill.

I thought we were finished with acts of God (and acts of stupidity) that cost us thousands of dollars. Once again, I was wrong.

The plus side is that our tomatoes will get more full sunlight now and Matt will have to clean the gutters less often.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Through the Door

We just returned from the most heavenly vacation in Door County, Wisconsin. Beaches, biking, boating, barbecues, swimming pools, picnics, ferry rides, fishing, ice cream, lattes, shopping--all with absolutely perfect weather. Our good friends Amy, Andrew, Alex and Duncan joined us for the last two nights, which just capped off the most perfect week. It was just amazing and I didn't want to come home. I'll post photos soon!