Sunday, August 24, 2008

If a tree falls in the woods

does it land on my house? No, that would be the honey locust in our back yard. We are currently waiting for the power company to repair the downed line. Then the electrician to repair the connection to the house. Then the tree trimmer to cut down what is left of the tree. Then the roofer to assess the damage to the roof and gutters. There is no hope for the grill.

I thought we were finished with acts of God (and acts of stupidity) that cost us thousands of dollars. Once again, I was wrong.

The plus side is that our tomatoes will get more full sunlight now and Matt will have to clean the gutters less often.


Synister Yet Noble said...

ICK...I AM glad it didn't fall on your house though!

Jen said...

It did fall on our house.