Here I am acting goofy for my friends at mile 19. I felt really good out there today and finished in 3:57. If only I hadn't gotten stuck in that port-o-potty line for 7 minutes....
Seriously, I am trying to decide which marathon to run next. I'd love to try to run another with Bill. Matt has his eyes on Detroit. The Sacramento marathon in December is outrageously flat and fast. So we'll see what I decide. Another week of recovery and I promised myself I wouldn't commit until I knew how I felt when my recovery period was over. In the meantime, I am welcoming and encouraging suggestions. Remember, I need a relatively flat (slight rolling hills are probably okay) and notoriously fast course if I'm going to cut 11 minutes from my time. Kathy, sorry, but no altitude. And Chicago and Milwaukee are already full unless I run for charity (which I could do). I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to run my next one with Matt's sister, a former knock-out fast college runner. But she's currently preggers, due in July, and even December is probably too soon to get in marathon shape. Well, it would be for me if I were carrying around nearly ten pounds of boy in my belly.