Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pity Party

I've realized that I can count the people who read my blog on one hand (and it doesn't take all five fingers). I could consider why, but that would further bruise my ego as a writer and a parent.

I could probably communicate as well or better by writing directly to my readers (e.g. Kathy). At least then I could be more personal and candid.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why I Ran

So most people I've told about my marathon know that I was injured for the race. The rational part of me knew that I shouldn't run. The emotional part of me knew that I had to. I had done all the training. I was as ready as I would ever be. The day was perfect. Matt was by my side when the gun went off.

I have started too many great climbs and have retreated before the summit. Not because I couldn't get there, but because I was afraid I might not get there. Or, worse, afraid to get there. This time I wasn't going to stand in my own way. I wasn't going to let fear of failure or fear of success stop me. I wanted this.

So I chanted to myself (there is no pain, only love). I talked to my knee. I breathed into the pain and blew the pain out. In truth, it hurt every step. There were times when I thought my knee was going to give out and buckle beneath me. But I wasn't going to stop running unless I fell down. I never did.

I crossed the finish line with more relief than euphoria. I have my medal, and I love it. I am so glad I took this on. I can't wait to do it again.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Talk to Me

Okay, I've opened my blog to anyone...for a limited time. If you want to continue reading this blog, e-mail me and I'll invite you once I close it off to strangers again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


That's my official time for the Indianapolis Marathon. Here I am with my brother Bill, who also ran the marathon (and finished a little over an hour before I did).

I'm already eyeing my next race....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This Is Beginning to Sound Familiar

I hurt myself again. I strained my IT band and then hurt my hip, too, with over-stretching trying to ease my IT band. It's unlikely that I'll run next Saturday. I haven't exercised in a week and my clothes are already snug. *sigh* I guess I don't have a marathon in me after all.