I am not sure where my time has been going, but obviously not into my blog. I apologize. Here are the Cliff's Notes versions of our lives over the past month or so:
Audrey sprouted two new teeth (top, left and right of center). Current total: 4
Audrey has brand spankin' new white walking shoes.
Audrey refuses to walk.
Audrey loves lolling on the floor rolling from back to stomach, stomach to back, laughing.
Audrey had her first official haircut (Fantastic Sams) after her second unofficial haircut (me) looked like it was done in the dark with cuticle scissors. In all honestly, her hair still looks bad but evenly so.
Owen finished his first year of preschool.
Owen (along with parents and friend Logan) saw Kung Fu Panda.
Owen, after watching the Olympic gymnastic trials, performed naked gymnastics in the living room.
Owen began t-ball and a new soccer class.
I ran a 10K and finished 11th among women and 1st in my age group. I ran just under 8-minute miles.
I started taking hot yoga classes and LOVE every minute of it.
The kids and I took a road trip to Indiana and Ohio. We had a great time and are eager to go back. Mmmm smores.
I'm also pretty sure that I was passed by a high school boyfriend while running in South Bend. He was on a bike and I only heard his voice, but it had to be him. By the time it all came together, he was too far ahead for me to say hello. So hi, Curt, if you ever read this. I hope you are well.
Wildlife I have seen on my morning runs: snapping turtle crossing the road, blue heron fishing in the canal, family of raccoons foraging in a neighbor's garbage.
Current score in the Battle of the Birdfeeders: Squirrels 3, Matt & Jen 0.