Inspired by my friend Kathy, I am going to list a few good things in my life:
I have two happy children, one of whom resembles Matt and one who takes after me.
I have wonderful friends here in Madison and others scattered throughout the country.
I've gotten to see my niece Meredith three times (how I wish it were more, and I need to play catch-up with nephew Mason).
My husband tolerates me even when the rest of the world finds me intolerable.
I have good running shoes to help me in my quest to run a half marathon.
I have a six pack of Spotted Cow in my refrigerator.
We are in the early stages of planning a European vacation for our tenth anniversary made possible in part by a tax refund (Grazie, Audrey!). It might not happen, but the dreaming and planning can be pleasures in themselves.
I have no fillings.
I have a daughter, so I can look forward to Girlscouting.
I get paid to write.
I am going to a waterpark resort this weekend. It's Owen's birthday present from Grandma Gwen and Grandpa Gene, but we waited until Audrey was old enough to enjoy, too.
Easter candy.