Sunday, October 21, 2007

Owen, Audrey and Olive

The kids at home:

The Great Outdoors

Owen's first camping trip.


My friend Sara accompanied Audrey, Owen and me to the apple orchard. We picked eight pounds of Cortlands on a Sunday and they were all gone by the following Thursday!

Audrey photoshoot

Here are some recent shots of my little doll. She was in a great mood, so I got out the camera.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. The start of preschool and the rekindling of my freelance career have taken more time than I expected. Owen is still recovering from croup. We've discovered that Audrey has extremely sensitive skin and patches of eczema. Otherwise all is well. Owen went to two birthday parties today (Logan's and Zan's). He has his party in a couple weeks. The kids are gathering at Chuck-e-Cheese's and our families are heading in later for slightly more dignified celebrations. I'll try to post some recent pictures this week.