Monday, May 28, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007

And more pictures

More pictures

I tried uploading a few of these last week and Explorer crashed. Let's try again.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

It's a Girl

Here is Audrey's hospital photo.

Super Grover!

We bought tickets for Sesame Street Live a few months ago. The episode was Super Grover and the date was May 5. The show was in Chicago, two and a half hours away. My due date was May 10. We knew it was a risk, but Owen LOVES Super Grover, so we figured we'd go ahead. My thought was that he and Matt could go as long as I hadn't already had the baby or if I had had the baby and was home from the hospital. A friend of mine offered to stay with me while Matt and Owen were away. The only way it wouldn't work was if I were in labor.

Well, I started having contractions on Friday, May 4. They were mild and irregular still on Saturday morning, so I sent the boys off. By 3:00 they were very regular but still mild. Matt made it home (after the show) in less than two hours. Seven hours later we were at the hospital. Five hours after that, Audrey was born. We cut it pretty close, but it all worked out.

And Baby Makes Four

Audrey Violet joined our family at 6:03 a.m. on May 6. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. She's been doing well since minute one. Owen is a great big brother, and we're very proud of him. So far, so good for all of us.