Friday, December 28, 2007

More pictures

I really must be better. These are all out of order, but here are some more photos of the kids.

Happy New Year

I should resolve to post more often in 2008. Here are a few pictures of the kids.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Owen, Audrey and Olive

The kids at home:

The Great Outdoors

Owen's first camping trip.


My friend Sara accompanied Audrey, Owen and me to the apple orchard. We picked eight pounds of Cortlands on a Sunday and they were all gone by the following Thursday!

Audrey photoshoot

Here are some recent shots of my little doll. She was in a great mood, so I got out the camera.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. The start of preschool and the rekindling of my freelance career have taken more time than I expected. Owen is still recovering from croup. We've discovered that Audrey has extremely sensitive skin and patches of eczema. Otherwise all is well. Owen went to two birthday parties today (Logan's and Zan's). He has his party in a couple weeks. The kids are gathering at Chuck-e-Cheese's and our families are heading in later for slightly more dignified celebrations. I'll try to post some recent pictures this week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Our little peanut Audrey had her four-month check-up yesterday (she's a couple weeks off schedule). She's perfectly healthy and she measured in at twelve pounds, ten ounces and twenty-five inches long. That puts her at the 20th percentile for weight (and, incidentally, head size) and the 71st for height. So my baby is long and lean (so says the doctor), but I think her chubby little thighs say otherwise.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

She looks like a sugar and a plum!

In all seriousness, the show was great. I know the tv program is really hokey, but you really have to see the Wiggles live to appreciate them. Now I keep catching myself humming the songs (when we aren't dancing to them in the living room).

Grandma and Papa

We went to South Bend a couple weeks ago to introduce Audrey to the family there. Here are the kids with Grandma Gwen and Papa Gene.

Mom and Kids

Owen has taken to making weird faces for the camera.

Skate or Die

Owen has been asking for a skateboard for a year, so we finally got him one. He's still learning how to ride. I can already picture what my future skater punk will look like in about seven years.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Owen Retrospective

I'm nostalgic tonight.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Odds and Ends

Just a few random pictures of the kids. I'm going to try to snap more out and about this week. I'm hoping to head to the zoo and to the spray park at the Y, and we're definitely going to have some good photo ops on Thursday because we're going to see the Wiggles. Stay tuned!

Hayward Redux

More vacation photos:

Almost Famous

Our neighbors to the back are related to Butch Vig (Garbage drummer and Nirvana producer). Butch was in town recently, and from our kitchen Matt spotted him standing on our neighbor's deck. So Matt took the opportunity to take a photo. Unfortunately it was getting dark and Matt left the flash on. Butch looked right at us when the flash went off, and this is the picture Matt got. I think it's pretty funny. You can *almost* make him out if you know he's standing there.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Over and Out

Audrey learned to roll over on Tuesday. She was three months and one day old. She's pretty good at it, but she struggles a little bit with getting her arm out from under her. (By the way, the sound in the background is Toy Story.)

Up North

We spent a week in Wisconsin's Great North Woods (everyone in Wisconsin just says "up north") with Matt's parents and his sister, her husband and son. Matt's family traveled a long way to be with us; his parents drove from Ohio and his sister flew from California.

We went to Hayward, which is supposed to be a fresh-water fishing mecca. Owen caught four little fish with his Batman fishing pole and Papa Tom caught a mouse in the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum (see pictures of the giant muskie) and that was it! But we had a great time and I'm already daydreaming about our vacation next year.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from our trip. I'll post a few more in another entry.


I know it's been a while. I'm going to upload a bunch of photos from the last month, but not in order. The first batch is from Owen's last day at soccer camp.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Brotherly Love

Audrey and Claire

Audrey's friend Claire came over to play (along with her mom, Carrie, and brother, Danny). Now I just need a picture of Danny and Owen together.